In a few words

QUI? Permadynamic : agence de conception et changement durable et régénérateur. Écouter, observateur pour concevoir des programmes de développement durable, et régénérateurs.

Pourquoi ? Parce que nous ne voulons pas voir tous les systèmes vivants nuire aux générations d'aujourd'hui et de demain.

Commentaire? En étant à votre écoute d'abord, vous, vos équipes. En définissant votre organisation comme une « choisie vivante » qui doit apprendre à aller au-delà de la durabilité et atteindre un état régénérateur.

Quand ? Aujourd'hui.

Ensemble, vraiment ensemble .

A few words about Josselin Butté
Permadynamic's founder

I am passionate about all living things. Thinking in systems and paying particular attention to the whole, trends and the marginal, with other dedicated and experienced professionals, we’ll listen carefully and revert with a proposal. To get started because bla bla is not part of our DNA, send us a mail or reach out by phone +33 (0) 781844214. The first space we’ll  use to design any programme is Nature, that is where the first part of the thinking takes place. If you wonder how it started and why, let me start by saying that Permadynamic started when I really needed to regenerate myself, almost a decade ago. When did I start working in the wide field of organisational development? And these are not exactly terms that I favour by themselves. It is about two decades ago. Geographically, I am based in the Pyrénées and other team members are based on all continents. Depending on projects, I go solo, or in threes, four, and much more. And, I am still a student as this is in my humble opinion a pre-requisite to doing solid regenerative work. Why Permadynamic? Simply because it resonated when I was looking for a name. Inspired by permaculture that I learnt and taught for years and the dynamism dimension of all organisations, small and large alike, public and private as well as non-governmental. 

“Permadynamic has an amazing team of hard working professionals. It has been a pleasure to meet them.”

Emily Davis